Dark Pages
John Mark Karr
JMK ©2024
The Hour of Shadows
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If the father of JonBenet Ramsey can prove an allegation he made against me in October 2023, it would establish knowledge of the victim well before the fact as well as proximity to the victim well before the fact. Tap to read my response to his allegation.

Arrested for the Murder of JonBenet Ramsey

In 2006, John Mark Karr was arrested in Bangkok Thailand for the murder, kidnapping, and sex assault of JonBenet Ramsey. It was not the first time Karr would come face to face with US federal law enforcement. In 2001, Karr was investigated by the FBI for six months while he languished in jail in Santa Rosa California. He was not released on his own recognizance until the national FBI investigation was completed. The 2001 FBI investigation ranged from child sex assault to national child serial murder. The FBI was involved in Karr's 2006 investigation for the murder of JonBenet Ramsey along with the Department of Homeland Security. Karr has been the subject of multiple FBI investigations spanning over two decades or more.

My name is John Mark Karr. I am the creator and author of this site as well as the designer of the photography here. A photo table of contents of this entire site follows this introduction. I have lived a very covert life outside the US since the summer of 2020. Since my first departure from America in 2001, my strategy for remaining private and safe has always consisted of constantly staying on the move and vowing never to return to America. I have paid dearly for parting from that plan in the past. The most recent span living in the US, from 2017 to 2020, is amongst my deepest regrets. I consider myself lucky to have survived it, in more ways than one.

This site is a small portion of my life story. It only covers the legal and media aspects of my life. I only touch on a few of the investigations that have been launched against me over the years by the FBI, Interpol, DHS and local authorities worldwide. I even touch on the complete blunders that some calling themselves "law enforcement" have made about me over the years - namely a fool puppet district attorney in Boulder Colorado in 2006. On the other hand, I've never considered the FBI, DHS, or Interpol to be incompetent as it relates to their international serial murder investigations or international abduction network investigations they've launched against me over the years. I acknowledge that these three agencies are among the most sophisticated and powerful law enforcement entities in the world.

Mostly, it's the powerful media that controls the narrative about me. This little website doesn't come close to their media monster websites and mighty TV networks. It's been said, those who control the narrative, control the world. I am far from controlling the narrative about John Mark Karr. The main reason is that I've been completely silenced by the media with the exception of the occasional phone call with reporters who promise the call is "off the record" but instead proceed to misquote me about everything I said and print it.

Blundering law enforcement, the media and their lies, and the public that has perpetuated the whole process, have seemingly granted me a lifetime of legal immunity. To all of you, I say the following: Thank you for setting me free. Thank you for making my life impossible in America, which led me to a safer and better life outside the US. Most of all, thank you for being the stupid idiots you have portrayed me as being for 18 years.

In the words of a surrendering Confederate officer to Union General Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain after the ceremony at Appomattox, I share his sentiments with my own enemies when he said, "You may forgive us but we won’t be forgiven. There is a rancor in our hearts which you little dream of. We hate you, sir."